Culture & Wellbeing


The OGFNC believes we have a responsibility that goes beyond what happens on the football field and netball court. The OGFNC is committed to;

  • Ensuring the club is a place where everyone feels valued, respected and included.
  • Shaping a culture and environment where the physical and mental health of everyone is prioritised.
  • Protecting the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people.

To ensure that everyone who steps foot in the club can recognise these commitments, we have established the OGFNC Culture and Wellbeing Team.


The Purpose of the OGFNC Culture and Wellbeing team is to;

  • Promote and ensure wellbeing and mental health is prioritised across the OGFNC.
  • Support the OGFNC's involvement in culture and wellbeing initiatives and programs.
  • Promote and protect the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people, ensuring compliance with the Standards for Safeguarding Children and Young People (the Victorian Child Safe Standards).
  • Lead efforts to shape a safe, respectful and inclusive club culture, where everyone understands what is expected in regard to behaviour, and everyone displays behaviours that are guided by our Club values;

Respectful- To respect every person and organisation that we interact with and in turn, earn the respect of others in all we do as individuals and as a club.

InclusiveTo be welcoming and understanding to players, volunteers and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. We collaborate through our club.

ProudTo recognise and celebrate our history and to behave in a manner that reflects pride in our club and ourselves.

ProfessionalTo be a professional organisation adhering to high standards reflected by our appearance, actions and attitude. We constantly strive for improvement and aspire to be innovative and successful while always working within the rules.

Enjoyment- To enjoy our time together, be positive in what we do and provide a family-friendly environment in which we celebrate our success.


OGFNC Culture and Wellbeing Director

Pip Jankowski

"I am a People and Culture professional, a wife (of a Grubbers Football Coach), a Mum to two (a Grubbers footballer and a Grubbers Netballer), and I love community and sport, especially football and netball!

I am passionate about shaping cultures that prioritise wellbeing, inclusivity and safety. As a club we need to emphasise openness, diversity and a sense of belonging to ensure that every individual within the Club feels not only welcome and safe, but also valued.

In my role as Culture and Wellbing Director, I lead initiatives that extend beyond the competitive aspects of sport, focusing on the holistic development and wellness of the entire club community. I strive to create a space where individuals thrive, contributing to the overall success of the Club.

If you have any questions about the Culture and Wellbeing Team, or feedback you would like to provide, you can contact me on 0407 505 855."


Please read our Child Safe Policy here - POLICIES | Ocean Grove Football and Netball Club | TidyHQ (

Working With Children Checks – Please direct all correspondence to

You can contact any of the Child Safety Officers via the phone numbers provided below, or you can email the OGFNC Child Safety Team at

**Please note that all conversations and emails will be treated with the strictest confidence.**



OGFNC Child Safety Officers

Narelle Goodland, Child Safety Officer

"I am extremely committed to child safety both professionally and personally. From a professional perspective, I have worked with Child Protection for 18 years. Currently, I am working with Victoria Police, training specialist detectives on interviewing children, and am working with the Department of Justice and Community Safety managing the Community Corrections program. I hold post graduate degrees in psychology and criminology. But most impartantly, I am a mother of two girls who are involved at the club, one in netball and the other football. My partner is also a past player from the mid '90's. We have spent many years supporting the Grubbers and around the club. You can contact me on 0417 371 167."

Kristin Williamson, Child Safety Officer

"I have lived in Ocean Grove for over 14 years and have a son currently playing for the Grubbers. I have worked in wellbeing roles at a local secondary College for many years. I understand and champion the importance of every child having a right to feel included, safe and respected. The role that community sport plays on the physical, social and emotional development of young people is immeasurable, and I look forward to being a part of the team further developing this culture at the Club. You can contact me on 0418 177 059."


OGFNC Wellbeing Officers

Wellbeing Officers can listen and act as a sounding board if you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling, or about something that you have experienced. Wellbeing Officers can offer information or referrals and connect you with people who can provide professional support if you need it.

Wellbeing Officers are not counsellors.


Mark Stone, Wellbeing Officer (Senior Mens Football)

"I have spent my entire life in and around football clubs, from the community level to the semi-professional level and am currently volunteering with the Werribee Football Club. I have an interest in wellness/mental health and have just completed a diploma in Mental Health. I am currently working in the mental health field in the Geelong area. You can contact me on 0409 384 619."

Chrissy Gibbon, Wellbeing Officer (Junior Netball)

"I grew up in Albury with parents who volunteered at their local FNC for many years and have been part of the Cobras and Grubbers Community for many years. I currently have 3 children playing at the Club. I work in the community sector and know that sporting clubs offer a community much more than just a place to watch sport. You can contact meon 0437 179 764."

Kate McLean, Wellbeing Officer (Girls and Womens Football)

"I grew up at a local footy club and have been around the OGFNC for approximately 8 years with my 3 daughters playing netball and footy. I work in HR at Bellarine Community Health and have a strong interest in mental health and wellbeing, completing a Mental Health First Aid course in 2023. You can contact me on 0439 339 487."

Cath Warren, Wellbeing Officer (Junior Boys Football)

"I have been an OG local since 2008 and have a son, Ollie, as well as two girls, Madelyn and Lucy, who all play football for OGFNC. I am a personal trainer, trained nutritionist and primary teacher who leads an active lifestyle. I walk my talk and thoroughly enjoy supporting others to achieve their wellness goals and learning potential. You can contact me on 0402 320 699."

Cam Quinten, Wellbeing Officer (Senior Netball)

"I have lived in Ocean Grove since 2000 and have 2 daughters come through netball from Net Set Go to 17s and C Grade. I have been involved with the netball committee for several years as assistant director, helping where I can. I trained as a secondary teacher and later worked in a welfare role at Deakin Uni for several years before working with Vocational Training, including apprentices and trainees, through Victoria Uni, The Gordon, Gforce and GenU. You can contact me on 0438 506 060."